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        ALL DAY LONG

           All day long I just wanna praise You,
           All day long I just wanna thank You,
           All day long I just wanna worship You!
           All day long I just wanna know You,
           All day long I just wanna love You,
           All day long I just wanna worship You!

I'm never alone, I'll never be bored,
'cause I have a home with You, my dear Lord,
You opened Your heart and You made a place for me!
And day after day You pour out Your grace on me!


I'll always be loved, I'll always belong
To the Giver of life, Who fills me with song!
Moment by moment, hour by hour,
My heart is a home to the God of all power!

       God of all creation, full of grace and truth,
       I will open up my heart and I will worship You,
       I will worship You all day long!

Copyright � 2002 Thomas M. Volker