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                   "Sharing the gift of music..."

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GOM FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)...

Below you will find the answers to the most asked questions.


Q's about the Music:

Q's about playing GOM Songs:

Can I use your praise and worship songs for public worship?

Yes, you are encouraged to use the praise and worship songs posted on GOM for non-commercial purposes. This includes worship leading, offeratories, special songs, etc., as long as copyright statements are visible on all printed and visual song materials used in the service.

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Who can I contact regarding commercial use of a song?

For more information about commercial song use, contact us via email

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How can I get an MP3 version of a GOM song?

Check to see if the MP3 download link is available on the Song Lyrics or Chord Sheet page for that song (left side). If not, try the Music page which lists all the latest posted GOM songs. (You can request an MP3 version of a song by emailing us .)

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Why do you use WMA files?

WMA files tend to be smaller in size. Smaller files mean shorter download times, allowing people with slower internet connections to have reasonable access to the songs.

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How do I play a GOM song?

There are 4 ways to hear a song:
1) From the Music Page: Click on the Title text of the song you desire to hear. (Song will play via streaming to your computer's WMA player.) Or click on the 'WMA' or 'MP3' image next to the song title (if available).
2) From a Lyrics/Chord Sheet Page: Click on (a) the "Musical Dove" image in the top right of the lyrics page or (b) the Title of the song or (c) MP3 link on the left side of the page. (Song will play via streaming to your computer's WMA or download to your MP3 player.)
3) Embedded Player on a Lyrics/Chord Sheet Page: Click the PLAY button (arrow) on the embedded player on the lower left of a Lyrics/Chord sheet page. (Song will play on website's embedded WMA player.)
 [ *Note: the specific song page must remain open to continue to hear the embedded player songs. ]
4) Download and play: RIGHT click on a song title, save the file to your computer and play it locally. (Song will play on your computer's WMA player or MP3 player.)

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Why does nothing happen when I click on a song link?

Clicking on a streaming song link should cause your computer's default WMA file player to open and begin downloading the song file. You must have an application that can play WMA files. (See LINKS page for suggested sources of music players.)
    As an option, look for the embedded WMA player located on the lower left side of the lyrics pages. Press play button (arrow) to hear the song. (Be sure to keep the page open for embedded player songs.)

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I have a WMA player installed. Why does nothing happen when I click a song link?

Check to see that the music player is open. Look in the player's menus under "options" or "preferences" to verify it is configured to open WMA files.
    As an option, look for the embedded WMA player located on the lower left side of the lyrics pages. Press play button (arrow) to hear the song.

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The player opens when I click the song link. Why doesn't the song play?

Users with slower, dial-up connections may have to wait as much as a minute for enough of the song file to be loaded before the music player will start the song. Try waiting a minute for the song to load.

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Why does the song stop playing when I click on a new link?

If you use the WMA player embedded on the web page (i.e. on the left side), you must keep the page open to listen to the song. Closing the web page will stop the song. Optionally, you can click on the Song Title or the "Musical Dove" image on a song page to play the song on your local computer's WMA player, if present. This will enable the song to continue playing when you go to another page.

(See "How do I play a GOM song?" above for more info...)

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I tried all your suggestions above. What else can I do?

1) Be sure you have tried all 4 options listed under "How do I play a GOM song?"
2) If still not working, consult your music player's help menu or website support area for more help.

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